To be so moved by a man so unmoved by anything anymore ...
To hear that imagination has been defined by a set of parameters ...
and that the faith in belief,
faith in the belief
of innocence and awe are gone.
They are not dead, they did not expire
But gone they are.
His words they inspire
And his actions ...
Beyond that
I have known him since childhood
But loved him before that.
How to console or reveal to him
That his energy inspires
Everyone he touches
Not only those he fires.
We saw what we saw and I observed a recurring theme of heroism: the Backdraft set at Universal and the flags at half mast today at the firestaion (they died last night).
Heroes in the movies , in music that we bought last night, champions of the truth
... and so much of it coming from a solitary sorce,... a friend I have known since birth.
The bias is setup because Eugene said that brilliance must be recognised (kudos to Eugene for that one ... he is not a hero, but he did say it). I've yet to work there, but my hero does.
Can you imagine growing up and looking for yourself, your inspiration and recoginizing all along through your stumbling existence that the hero and ideals you seek are living in your best friend ever? And all this time you thought his comments were criticisms of you and the day that the third party allowed into this circle jerk gets married , your hero tells you he has always felt you had more potential and creativity(?) and you should really be making it in that regard. Man, would I be pissed if I were him and I didn't listen to him.
That's the rant folks. Ann Druyan brought me to tears today as I read of the final moments in time of another my most significant heros. I have been propelled down a spiral of admiration for those whose message is to be truthful and human amidst this world of deceit and inhumanity. I love the spiral and all those who have sent me there once again and only hope I can return the awe that they have returned to my life... once again.
"Grapes are one of the creators most clever inventions since there is yeast on the outside of the skin and sugar on the inside. Who else could have thought up such a package?"
- Jeff Smith
(The Frugal Gourmet Keeps The Feast)